Ok,I offended our sweet little E with the post about her losing the "American"in her.
I didn't mean too I swear I didn't.But I did and now I'm paying for it..
How you ask? I'll tell ya..Her inner voice has been speaking to me and it has a southern draw.
Well at least she thinks it does..
She'll be chatting away in Swedish to her dad and I'll walk in the room, she suddenly switches languages and acknowledges my presents by saying"Hey,Sweet Thang"How ya'll doin' over thar?
My southern roots run deep..But to hear E speak with a southern draw is just so wrong.
Her Aunt L loves speaking to her on the phone because of her accent..L is going to kill me now!!!
Oh the joys of motherhood.
1 kommentar:
To quote a very wise, very old woman, or was it a man, heck I don't know who said it, it could have been in a song...ohhhhh I am rambling..anyway "You can take the girl out of the country but you can not take the country out of the girl".....so please don't try.
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