onsdag 14 maj 2008

The cold weather...

Made it's way back yesterday bringing with it snow and rain.

No one invited it,AND it's NOT welcome here..Go away! You've scared the sunshine and warm temperatures away.I've had to trade in my sun tea and flip flops

for hot cocoa and warm fuzzy socks.

Fuzzzzzy socks(((((dazed)))) I love fuzzy socks. No wait,as tempting as my pink fuzzy socks are I WANT MY WARM WEATHER BACK DAMN IT!

torsdag 8 maj 2008

It's All about E..


Oh! There's the smile I was looking for....
When is she NOT holding chloe?
When she's holding this !

måndag 5 maj 2008

Spring is here!

The snow has melted ,I have sun tea brewing on the windowsill and my thoughts are of the 1 1/2 months of summer headed our way! lol.

söndag 4 maj 2008

On the mend...

Now that I have an actual diagnosis of what has been ailing me the past few months.I feel I can begin to move on with my healing process.My new doctor has me on the right track(we hope) with my blood building medicine.I feel with God's help and the new meds I will be back to myself in umm 6 months or so..hahaha..Yeah it will be a long process.

I have my website back up and running and if anyone wants to make a purchase I am willing to give huge discounts. Hint Hint!
