onsdag 18 augusti 2010

One stressed Momma..

While he is hold up in a 4 star hotel living the life of luxury , meeting new friends, figuring out bus schedules and where the cool people hang out.I am here drinking pots of coffee, biting my fake finger nails diligently searching the websites for a vacant apartment in a good area of town.BTW... I do NOT know which area is the "good " area of town.

Lord beer me strength!!!

later gaters.

torsdag 5 augusti 2010

Thank you God!

for answering my prayers!

söndag 1 augusti 2010

Sorry for the mess around here!

for some reason my blog keeps getting all screwy and I can't seem to fix my background.I'll get E on it today :)
have witnessed 3 miracles in the past 2 days and I have to say this is totally blowing my mind!

I am so happy and thankful!!!
I hope everyone realizes GOD IS GOOD and still in the Miracle business!