torsdag 20 november 2008

Cooking lessons...

I've never been a big fan of beef stew. I guess that's why I've never really had the desire to know how to make one.

Well yesterday that came back to haunt me.

S called and said" Call granma I need a recipe" keep in mind this was late morning for us so middle of the night for her.I said"what do you need ? You know I'm a good cook son" He said " I want to make beef stew" OMG,My face went flush,I felt dizzy and I got this tingling in my stomach that felt like fear..My little tiny (6ft ) baby boy was hungry for stew and I didn't know how to help him..He would starve and it would be all my fault.I failed him as a mother!!!
What kind of mother doesn't know how to make a life saving soup for her first born child?

That is when my Momma mode kicked in..I started thinking of all the things I remembered my own mother putting into the pot of stewing vegetables and meat that I have never had a desire to eat.

That's when it hit me...He doesn't know the recipe or he would be asking, Soooo... in my mind I came up with a brilliant plan..Make a stew out of the ingredients I know he likes and he would never know the difference...My list included onions, corn,peas,carrots,tomatoes,green beans..And a VERY expensive cut of meat his dad and I had sent back with him on his last trip home.

This was a brillaint plan indeed because he would now think mom knows everything about cooking.

Then the next question came up.."Mom ,how do I make corn bread "?
My response
"Stew is best eaten with a fresh baguette"

onsdag 19 november 2008

Finally getting it right...

it seems after almost 9 long years of getting settled in here in Sweden..We are starting to get it right..

It seems the kids are doing better than ever before.
S seems to be getting it right with school and his *cough **cough* new flame.
E has finally found a group of friends that want to be her friend not for what they think they can gain by it.Just simply because she is a terrific person and she is fun to hang out with.

I feel blessed to have finally found my place in the world.
I feel blessed to have my family love me so much that they will travel so far just to see me.

torsdag 6 november 2008

New IS good!

Last week I made a post about not liking the saying "out with the with the new..

This past week has been ALL about the "NEW" and "NEW BEGINNINGS,NEW HOPE"..I was a bit nervous about the week a head and made that post out of my feelings of insecurity.

Well I'm here to say NEW/CHANGE IS GOOD!

We had a great time in Stockholm and spending time with S was fabulous!!
Each time he makes a visit home, I realize just how he is growing and maturing and I have to say I'm impressed with the man he is becoming.I think the "new" in his life has made a big change for the better..But I'll leave that for now!

E has had to face some tough challenges this week and she came through each one of them with flying colors. We ARE SO PROUD OF THE COURAGE AND STRENGTH SHE HAS SHOWN US!!! Way to go E!!!

fredag 31 oktober 2008


She is just as sweet as she is Beautiful...

torsdag 30 oktober 2008


I admit I love reading other people's blogs.
There are a few I read EVERYDAY.
I find them interesting,entertaining and informative.

I love blogging myself. But sometimes I find myself wondering what to blog about.
Not that I have a lack of things to share(I could fill a library) It's hard for me to figure out
"WHAT" is interesting,entertaining and informative. I want my blog to be all those things.

I could blog about the struggles of raising a teenage daughter.
But with MY teenage daughter there's hardly any struggles at all.She is such a joy to be around. YES she will be turning14 in a few days.And NO I am not crazy. ha ha (Maybe just a little crazy).
And YES every morning when I her her precious little feet coming downstairs I'm on pins and needles wondering if THIS is the morning the rude,rebellious teenager woke up in her bed instead of my sweet little angel..Imagine the relief I feel when she walks in and says"good morning" instead of Yo B***** what's shakin" yeah yeah I know kids don't REALLY talk like that these days but its my imagination and that is a scary place sometimes.ha ha ha

I could blog about having a 20 year old son in university and the part of me that realizes he is growing up and making grown up decisions that do not include his dad and I.And the struggle I am having with knowing how to cope.There are days when I cringe and bite my tongue and then there are days I swell with pride.And thankfully those days are in abundant.

There's a part of me that still sees a little boy in this grown up mans face.I guess every mom feels that way.
I'm unsure how to cope SO everyday is a new day ,a new lesson for me.

I could blog about the daily struggles of being an expat living so far from my family and my country. Even after all this time(yes it has been 8 years) I still get frustrated and want to "go home"... I miss the easy access to things I'm familiar with especially when I'm baking or wanting to buy a pair of ladies size 10 shoes. Why in the Hell does Sweden NOT have(insert anything I might need here)?

I am grateful God has given me my life and family both here and in the USA.
So I guess I shouldn't complain about any of this.

Wait ,YES I WILL!!! I'm human.(well at least after 3 cups of coffee I am)

I guess when it comes down to it,we all have the same struggles.We just learn at different times and different ways how to cope with them. Maybe by me blogging about my struggles others can read and realize we're all in this together!!!

Until next time folks,

onsdag 29 oktober 2008

It's Snowing....

I know alot of people including my wonderful husband think I'm nuts...

Because I'm always excited about the first snow.

Ask me around March I guarantee my excitment will have faded...

For now I am going to enjoy ...

One more thing I must mention..I do not like the old saying"Out with the old..In with the new"

What's wrong with the "old"?I like the "old".. "New" isn't better..Unless we are talking cars...

New makes me feel itchy and uncomfortable..

Peace, love and understanding,


onsdag 22 oktober 2008

Sorry for the last negative post....

I'm baby stepping! I'm trying NOT to let other's negative outlook into my life.

It's hard sometimes when the people around you draw you in. I'll do better I promise!!!

Enough of that....

It's ONLY 49 MORE days till DollBaby(my youngest sister)+Family get here..YAY!!! It's the first time in 5 years we have all been together and I am so excited to see them all. Well we talk on the phone daily.( 2 or 3 times a day shhh.) To have them here in SWEDEN is going to be great..I never thought I would say this but I hope we have ALOT of snow.

Our fall has been so warm without a snowflake in sight.

I can't believe I am living in northern Sweden and wishing for snow!!!

fredag 10 oktober 2008

Big Girls don't cry!?!?

Our 13 ops almost 14 yr old has showen us just how mature she can be this week. I should say SEVERAL TIMES this week. But for now two come to mind...When her beloved dog died.She said"I'm crying for me NOT for Chloe she is out of her pain.
She has even had some major health issues this week... However,when we ask her how she is feeling she NEVER ONCE complains.She just simple says "I've had better days".

Then you have people in your life despite their age, are nothing more than "attention grabbing crybabies".They cry,complain and hurt people just to boost their own "inferiorty complex"! It gets them the attention they crave not nessecarily the attention they want..It shows us all just how ridiculous and immature they REALLY are!

Big Girls Don't Cry!?!?! Oh trust me SOME do!!!


fredag 12 september 2008

Season of Change...

In more ways than one. It's turning out to be such a beautiful fall this year..My favorite time of the year as a matter of fact.

I love the beautful vivid colors of the fall leaves lying on the still green grass.

The wild mushrooms are in abundance this year.I seriously can't believe how many have sprouted up.Some as large as a salad plate.
I've noticed lots of folks out and about with mushroom knives and baskets in tow.I do NOT have the nerve or knowledge to pick my own.The only mushrooms I'll be picking are the ones from my local grocery store.

I really should share some fall photos...nah maybe tomorrow..

Mimi OUT!

torsdag 14 augusti 2008

Starting to settle down..

'round these parts??Man it's been a busy week.I couldn't sleep at all last night and finally gave in at 4 am and got out of bed.I think it's because we have had such a busy stressful week and things are finally starting to settle down.

The whirlwind trip up north to move S into his new apartment went smoothly..hahahaha semi-smoothly.

Between dentist and hair appointments, shopping for school clothes aka undergarmets and a new winter jacket( by the way thanks D.B. for the nice BIG box of clothes from the Good Ol' US of A. I for once stayed within budget..No I didn't, I lied...) and a few" I don't want to start 8th grade" comments.I think E is ready to start too.

I need to relax but K-aint(yes I DID spell THAT word! LOL)
I guess the " It's after 5 don't drink out of mom's glass" rule needs to kick in BEFORE 5 today.
I wish I knew why now that things are settling down I feel MORE stressed.
Gosh I'll be glad when H gets her degree so she can analyze me.No wait scratch that ,she might have me committed into a psychiatric hospital.( let's hope that girl is a slow learner.)

torsdag 7 augusti 2008

Amazing Person ..

She's barely 16 and yet she inspires me to become a better person.
My niece Katie.
While other kids her age spent their summer at malls , beaches or just hanging out with friends. Katie spent part of her summer in Honduras with an outreach program spreading God's word to the less fortunate.
What an amazingly beautiful person inside and out..By the way,I think she gets her outward beauty from her favorite Aunt Mimi.

måndag 4 augusti 2008

This time next week...

S will be back up in Luleå preparing for his second year at University.
HIS SECOND YEAR??? E is starting 8th grade OMG 8TH GRADE??? Where did the time go?
I'm NOT ready for my babies to grow up YET!!!
At the same time it feels great seeing them plan their future.

söndag 3 augusti 2008

I give...

God ALL the praise and GLORY for working HIS will in our lives!

onsdag 30 juli 2008

Just down

behind our house we have this beautiful river. (this is actually the view I see from the upstairs bathroom too).I wish I could have zoomed in better on the mama Loon and her 4 babies crossing over in the second photo.

tisdag 29 juli 2008

So Beautiful...

Our roses are having a great growing season.This one is my favorite.

tisdag 15 juli 2008

lördag 5 juli 2008

Summer Fun...

The picture in my header was taken this morning by my lovely husband.Thanks P...

A Grouse nest.How cool is that? I refuse to go into the details of how I screamed when the momma grouse swooped me.

Not exactly a summery picture of S but a RARE serious moment.

I believe I can fly...

fredag 4 juli 2008

Happy 4th of July

to everyone back home..

We celebrated it here in SWEEEEden too! Well at least here in our house:)

Hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday..


måndag 30 juni 2008

Yesterday was ...

The big 2-0 for S. I can't believe he is already 20.I can't believe I'm the mother of a 20 year old.(and a almost 14 yr old).

I am just now starting to feel like a grown up myself.( I'm 40 people)And NOW a grownup is calling me mom!
Argh...How did this happen? ha ha ha.

The funny part of having a kid that age is they know and have an answer for EVERYTHING.As much as I hate to admit it he got me the other day!

He was helping me out in the kitchen , I was NOT really needing the helping he was offering(he's a clown that loves to aggravate people. ha ha ) Anyway ,I was telling him how I wanted it done And he was just messing around. I said "Damn it S just do like I said, it doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure it out"! He said "Yeah ,but IF it did; I'm your man! He's studying Aero-Space Engineering (aka A Rocket Scientist) . The Ass! LOL...How would one go about grounding a 20 year old?

I sure love that big grown/baby boy!

Peace Peeps,

torsdag 26 juni 2008

Beautiful View..Our Farm and Sawmill.

I captured these photos last night on our way home around 9:45.I do live in the land of the midnight sun.

onsdag 25 juni 2008

Killing Me with cuteness!!!

Even when she isn't feeling well she's adorable...

tisdag 24 juni 2008

It's hard to believe..

summer is here.Windy ,cloudy and 51 outside..We did have a fun day at the beach on Saturday here's proof.Hot Dogs..MmM
I guess the kids thought they were playing TACKLE Frisbee.
P is MmM too!
Watermelon Yummy!

onsdag 18 juni 2008

The Kids are...

Home safe and sound.
It seems like they had a fun but ever so busy time the past 5 days.

I'll add pictures when I get my lazy self around to loading them on the computer.

torsdag 12 juni 2008

School is out ...

YAY! We made it ! S is home...E had her avslutning yesterday morning.

We celebrated last night with homemade lactos free Eclairs..Mums they were delish!

Both kids plus H(S's friend) are headed back up to Luleå tomorrow to move S from his student apartment to a 4 bedroom apartment he will be sharing with 3 friends.

S is dreading the packing and cleaning..Methinks he has asked his baby sis and H to tag along to do the packing and cleaning. Shhhh... E is just happy to be going on a road trip without the parents tagging along..Seriously,at 13 how cool is it to go to your brothers place 7 hours from anyone that even resembles a parent figure?Wait scratch that..S looks just like his momma..LOL And truth be told mom is a little more relaxed with the rules than big brother...He is probably just rememebering all the shit he did at 13..HA HA HA!

P just walked by and ask what I was blogging about.Then he tugged on my ear and said "blog about that"..ha ha..I just did... I wonder if he reads my blog?

Peace Peeps,

söndag 1 juni 2008

We made it...

Well let's just say P made it through E's first date..If you can call it a date ,with her parents trailing every move she made..And her brother(who lives 7 hours away because of school) calling her every 5 minutes. We allowed her to walk around ALONE during an Antique American Car show here in town WITH A BOY!!! Ok, P kept saying this is "NOT A DATE"she is just here WITH A BOY!

She even got a chance to ride in the parade in one of the cars WITH A BOY!

Let's just say her dad was a nervous wreck and didn't get much of a chance to see any of the cars.

It was horrible for Daddy but E had the time of her life!
Last night will consume much of her thoughts for the next few weeks..Lets hope she forgets the fact that daddy walked up to the car during the parade to snap some pictures of her and THE BOY! Not sure if he just wanted a picture of his little girl or to make THE BOY aware of his presence. I'm guessing a little of both.

onsdag 14 maj 2008

The cold weather...

Made it's way back yesterday bringing with it snow and rain.

No one invited it,AND it's NOT welcome here..Go away! You've scared the sunshine and warm temperatures away.I've had to trade in my sun tea and flip flops

for hot cocoa and warm fuzzy socks.

Fuzzzzzy socks(((((dazed)))) I love fuzzy socks. No wait,as tempting as my pink fuzzy socks are I WANT MY WARM WEATHER BACK DAMN IT!

torsdag 8 maj 2008

It's All about E..


Oh! There's the smile I was looking for....
When is she NOT holding chloe?
When she's holding this !

måndag 5 maj 2008

Spring is here!

The snow has melted ,I have sun tea brewing on the windowsill and my thoughts are of the 1 1/2 months of summer headed our way! lol.

söndag 4 maj 2008

On the mend...

Now that I have an actual diagnosis of what has been ailing me the past few months.I feel I can begin to move on with my healing process.My new doctor has me on the right track(we hope) with my blood building medicine.I feel with God's help and the new meds I will be back to myself in umm 6 months or so..hahaha..Yeah it will be a long process.

I have my website back up and running and if anyone wants to make a purchase I am willing to give huge discounts. Hint Hint!


måndag 14 april 2008

And with a Heavy Heart..

I waved so long to my sweet mother today.

söndag 6 april 2008

One more week.....

And my sweet little mother heads back to the USA.
The past 3 months went by in a flash.

onsdag 13 februari 2008

What a view!

Just look at God's beauty ....

The view from my kitchen window!

onsdag 30 januari 2008

You who,where are you?

The reason I've been away from my blog for the past few weeks is due to illness.(I'll spare you the details) I will say my mom has traveled back to Sweden to be with me during this time.Her third trip in 13 months.

This woman is amazing!! I am a lucky girl.

måndag 7 januari 2008

A Thought...

I felt compelled to write this today.

If we put Evil words in our mouth, it opens the door for Evil works in our lives. But if we put God's words in our mouth, it opens the door for God's works in our lives.

torsdag 3 januari 2008

Happy New Year!

Hope your holiday season has been as enjoyable as mine.

A few lines just to say Hello and I'm still around.
With the kids home for Christmas break, things have been hectic around here.AND I LOVE IT!!!

*My New Years resolutions*
1.Lose weight (of course)
2.Learn to make the perfect Macchiato
3.Enjoy life

Peace Out,