Our 13 ops almost 14 yr old has showen us just how mature she can be this week. I should say SEVERAL TIMES this week. But for now two come to mind...When her beloved dog died.She said"I'm crying for me NOT for Chloe she is out of her pain.
She has even had some major health issues this week... However,when we ask her how she is feeling she NEVER ONCE complains.She just simple says "I've had better days".

Then you have people in your life despite their age, are nothing more than "attention grabbing crybabies".They cry,complain and hurt people just to boost their own "inferiorty complex"! It gets them the attention they crave not nessecarily the attention they want..It shows us all just how ridiculous and immature they REALLY are!
Big Girls Don't Cry!?!?! Oh trust me SOME do!!!
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