What to do? Should I seek out professional help?
Let me start by saying I accept them for who they are;I do NOT see their faults..Do I?
I'll start with S our19 yr old self confident,handsome,reliable son studying Aero-Space Engineering at one of the top universities in Sweden,he can work Differential Calculus and Linear Algebra like it's going out of style.Has excellent computer skills and speaks two languages fluently.
Here's my concern ....this is hard for me...he...doesn't...know...how....to ...use...a...washing machine... He comes home for weekend visits with huge pieces of luggage bursting at the seams with nothing more than loads upon loads of dirty laundry.We are planning a trip up to Luleå to see him this weekend he was all excited about us coming.I know ;I could tell the excitement in his voice when he ask" what time do I book the student laundry facilities for you"? Poor kid, he doesn't even know he has this problem..Should I tell him or should I do what any "good mother" would do..Sweep it under the rug and hope the rest of the family or none of his friends finds out...
Now take E our beautiful 13 daughter,she's funny,smart,has the kindest most gentle heart of any other human on the planet.Her Aunt D says when she sneezes tiny butterflies come out of her nose.She's that precious.
Here's our concern....she doesn't understand the definition of the word....BUDGET...She has her set allowance every month.For things like phone bills,clothing,nail polish, girlie stuff pink stuff ya know;anything NOT related to school...But how in the world does she end up going shopping with 150 bucks spends 300 comes home with 7 shopping bags,(that dad had to carry around the mall, while trying to stay discreetly behind her in case her friends show up) and 148 bucks STILL in her purse..She spent 2 bucks on a drink because dad didn't have change. Which she insisted he promised to pay her back..As I sat there holding my receipt for toilet paper, laundry detergent, and a toilet bowl brush..I wondered if it's too late to get her help for this problem?
Life's tough for parents with children who have these types of learning disabilities.
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