As most of you know I have a severe case of TMJ that prevents me from getting much sleep "IF"my night guard is slightly off..It is and my "Bettfysiolog"( bite specialist) has decided to move; leaving me with my name on a 3 year waiting list( to get into another one) and my regular dentist poor attempts at adjusting mine..Oh well, this post is NOT about all of that .It's about last nights sleep.
It all started around 10:00pm last night. We were sitting watching TV waiting on S 's train to arrive in Långsele a 20 minute drive from here at 00:45. Any who,everyone was getting really sleepy and P had control of the remote which left us watching old reruns of Dallas.God knows why we all sat and watched it we have 5 tv's in the house.
After a disagreement with P about who speaks with the strongest southern draw (I chose Sue Ellen) I decided to take a shower. I went downstairs to the laundry room cleaned it put a load of laundry in ;gods knows he is coming home.I decided to go with P to pick up S. E was feeling better and hadn't been out of the house all week.
It was snowing hard and I figured he needed my navigational skills to help him drive.
After a long discussion on why I shouldn't go out in snow boots,heavy coat,gloves and my PJ's
Ahh the PJ's ,P wanted me to put on jeans "just in case" the car breaks down and we have to walk..I ask him has the car(which is only 3 yrs old) been giving you trouble he replied"no?" I wore the PJ's under my coat.
Any who we get to the train station about 20 minutes early.It gives us time to watch all the people dredging through the snow with their luggage and make up wild stories on why and where they were all going..Heck,it's almost 1 am shouldn't they all be asleep?
So the train pulls in and I realize we are parked at the front of the train and S must have been on one of the cars at the rear..So after what seemed like 30 minutes, but P tells me we've only waited 5 I have him pull down to the rear of the train..(keep in mind its been snowing (A LOT)
And guess what? No S ,No Bobo he isn't on this train..What??? I have been sending him hourly sms check in's since he left Luleå almost 7 hours ago. Where in the world could he be?
I start to call him, no answer, I look around no Bobo our tiny little 6ft tall 180 lb baby has disappeared..Oh God what do we do,I knew I should have listened to P and NOT worn these damn PJ's .I now have to get out in front of all these people and do a search for our missing son.I ask P to pull back around to the front of the train..maybe, just maybe someone saw something.Like when a band of gypsies stole our baby or when a dirty old creepy man forced him to jump the train and live like a hobo for the rest of his life.
Yes,we had to get back around to the other side of the train station to get information .
Reluctantly P starts to pull out and suddenly through the snowy windshield, we see a tall, burly looking guy trying to wave us down,I yelled stop "maybe that tall man has some information on S". As we approached and the windshield clears I see its our baby.He has escaped his captors.
As he loads his luggage into the back of the SUV he ask his dad"why in the world did you keep pulling around the train station? "I had to walk back and forth". Then I say" Hello son" he replies
"Oh never mind!".
The drive home was a lot of questions about have you been eating,hows the Linear Algebra going? How much Laundry did you bring me? ya know, normal chit chat.
We arrive home and he raids the fridge,I tell him he is losing weight and he should eat more, argues with me on how he is 18 umm..no 19 and wants a large tattoo on his shoulder, he goes upstairs attacks E with pillows and screams earth quake as she is trying to fall asleep,decides at the ripe old age of 19 he is losing his hair,eats some chocolates,comes down make us examine his hair line,and scurries off to bed.
Yes,last night I had the best sleep I've had in ages.
2 kommentarer:
Okay, my head is a little cloudy due to the drugs, or congestion I can't remember which but did we just play that old game of "Who's on First"? I am lost, is that your last night that you slept good or your tonight, will that be my tonight or my tomorrow night....you know what it doesn't matter I am leaving work early and going home and going to bed then I won't have to worry which day it is, or is that night? At any rate....Sleep Mimi Sleep! Count Little Em's Sheep.....shhhhhhhhh
Welcome home big burly man!
Actually to "get it"(the meaning o the post that is) I meant the fact that both of the kids despite all the crap it took us to get back home was under the same roof and I could actually sleep without a care in the world.
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