lördag 11 juli 2009


Today is the first day in two weeks we could go outside WITHOUT wearing a jacket.
I hope this heat wave of 64f holds a few days.

You are NOT suppose to be cold in JULY!!!

I'm in a cooking rut.I went to the grocery store and could not decide what to buy.(I try to plan a few days ahead because you all know how I feel about grocery shopping) I ended up getting fruit,cookies,crackers and some ice cream but I ate the ice cream on the way home.

One more thing,If you stop by my blog please leave me a message.. I would love to hear from YOU!

1 kommentar:

Brenda sa...

You wish for warmer days and I wish for cooler days. Human Nature....never happy are we....B and I went to wedding Saturday in the Botanical Gardens. The flowers were beautiful, the bride was beautiful, it brought a tear to my eye...No wait that was sweat rolling down my cheek in our heat advisory of 97 at 7:00 p.m.!