1.I love the color Pink!
2.I eat,cook and do a lot of things with my left hand but I write with my right hand.
3.I'm a clean freak but my closets are usually a mess.
4.I always speak my mind.
5.I love to cook and eat Thai food.
6.I grind my teeth so much at night I have to sleep with a night guard in to prevent my jaw from being out of line.
7.I have two children.
8.I'm a Believer.
9.I'm terrified of snakes and bears but obsessed with watching anything and everything about them.
10.I'm afraid of flying.
11.I love wine.
12.I love shopping but rarely buy myself anything.
13.I NEVER put the trash in the bin outside.I usually get someone else to take it out there,because I would be standing there cleaning the big bin out.
14.I can not sew but wish I could.
15.I love my husband VERY much.
16.I wear fake finger nails.
17.I sometimes work on the deck crew in our sawmill.(that means I help load logs to be cut then unload the scrap that gets cut off) and I still have on my fake nails under my gloves.
18.I love to feel green grass between my toes.
19.I love ice hockey.
20.Lax/Salmon is my favorite meat dish.
21.I shave my legs ever night even when I'm sick.
22.I speak a mix between English and Swedish at home with my family.(Swenglish)
23.I talk to Dollbaby EVERYDAY eventho, we are 5,000 miles away from each other.
1 kommentar:
I love all 23 things about you. I have seen several people do this on their blogs.....I guess I have to let the world know something about the duct.
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