(Well at least in public)
But after living here this long I just felt the need to get a few things off my chest...
1.How the hell do the trash collectors trucks always look so freaking clean?
2.Silent grocery stores.It's so freaking quite in our grocery stores.Except for the occasional baby that makes a peep.But only for a few seconds before the baby is rushed out to the car.
3.Small packaged foods and foods in tubes ..I love shopping but I detest FOOD shopping a) look at #2 b) because I NEVER know what to cook because nothing looks appetizing in those tubes.
Besides I'm unable to navigate a tube of toothpaste let alone DINNER from one of those contraptions.
4.How do the tall beautiful skinny Swedish ladies manage to walk on snow and ice in 4 in heels while I have trouble walking in my granny shoes with snow picks attached to the bottom.
5. Cold meatball sandwich with red/purple beet salad..Nuff said!
6.Telephone times/pull tab numbers..I freaking hate walking in and having to take a number then wait in line to pay for a bra or make a bank deposit..Telephone times MY GOD PEOPLE what if I have an important question at 1pm Tuesday and have to wait till 8am-8:45 am Wednesday to get it answered.Umm never mind I survived the accidental poisoning.
7.Oh my gosh school walks and outside grilling in -20 degree weather..seriously!!!
8.Stores closing at 6 or 7 EVERY NIGHT! I'm NOT joking!
9.WHY on Gods green earth does every Swedish town have between 10-15 pizzerias .. Someone is allowing this to happen.
10.Why can't I hate those delicious pizzas.(don't think American style pizza.These are totally different )
There's more but I thought 10 was a good number to stop with today.
For the most part I love Sweden.I definitely love my life and family here in Sweden.But like most ex-pats I find my self missing the comforts of home and want to only focus on things that make my skin crawl.
Peace Peeps,