lördag 23 januari 2010

When you're sick...

You can really tell who cares about you.They call or at least send an email..Thanks ,Dollbaby for the endless"how ya feeling now? "phone calls! I appreciate and love you very much!

My wonderful husband has not only taken excellent care of me and E all week.He has managed to keep the house clean and the laundry basket empty on top of all his work.He has picked E up from school and even managed to take her to the movies.
Not only have I been a very demanding sick person this week, I have managed to stick to my new diet. Me on a diet would be bad enough but add the worst cold/flu/whateverthehellthisis I've had in years, into the mix and it takes a very patient loving person to deal with what this man has had to deal with all week. LOL! I feel very blessed and love him very much.

2 kommentarer:

Brenda sa...

I am sorry you and E are still under the weather. I hope you get well soon and yes you and Beau are so lucky and blessed to have such wonderful spouses. :)

Mimilou sa...

Ha ha ha... Poor you.How is he?Gosh I bet he is worse than I am when he is sick.Wait I KNOW he is worse!