fredag 31 oktober 2008
torsdag 30 oktober 2008
I admit I love reading other people's blogs.
There are a few I read EVERYDAY.
I find them interesting,entertaining and informative.
I love blogging myself. But sometimes I find myself wondering what to blog about.
Not that I have a lack of things to share(I could fill a library) It's hard for me to figure out
"WHAT" is interesting,entertaining and informative. I want my blog to be all those things.
I could blog about the struggles of raising a teenage daughter.
But with MY teenage daughter there's hardly any struggles at all.She is such a joy to be around. YES she will be turning14 in a few days.And NO I am not crazy. ha ha (Maybe just a little crazy).
And YES every morning when I her her precious little feet coming downstairs I'm on pins and needles wondering if THIS is the morning the rude,rebellious teenager woke up in her bed instead of my sweet little angel..Imagine the relief I feel when she walks in and says"good morning" instead of Yo B***** what's shakin" yeah yeah I know kids don't REALLY talk like that these days but its my imagination and that is a scary place sometimes.ha ha ha
I could blog about having a 20 year old son in university and the part of me that realizes he is growing up and making grown up decisions that do not include his dad and I.And the struggle I am having with knowing how to cope.There are days when I cringe and bite my tongue and then there are days I swell with pride.And thankfully those days are in abundant.
There's a part of me that still sees a little boy in this grown up mans face.I guess every mom feels that way.
I'm unsure how to cope SO everyday is a new day ,a new lesson for me.
I could blog about the daily struggles of being an expat living so far from my family and my country. Even after all this time(yes it has been 8 years) I still get frustrated and want to "go home"... I miss the easy access to things I'm familiar with especially when I'm baking or wanting to buy a pair of ladies size 10 shoes. Why in the Hell does Sweden NOT have(insert anything I might need here)?
I am grateful God has given me my life and family both here and in the USA.
So I guess I shouldn't complain about any of this.
Wait ,YES I WILL!!! I'm human.(well at least after 3 cups of coffee I am)
I guess when it comes down to it,we all have the same struggles.We just learn at different times and different ways how to cope with them. Maybe by me blogging about my struggles others can read and realize we're all in this together!!!
Until next time folks,
There are a few I read EVERYDAY.
I find them interesting,entertaining and informative.
I love blogging myself. But sometimes I find myself wondering what to blog about.
Not that I have a lack of things to share(I could fill a library) It's hard for me to figure out
"WHAT" is interesting,entertaining and informative. I want my blog to be all those things.
I could blog about the struggles of raising a teenage daughter.
But with MY teenage daughter there's hardly any struggles at all.She is such a joy to be around. YES she will be turning14 in a few days.And NO I am not crazy. ha ha (Maybe just a little crazy).
And YES every morning when I her her precious little feet coming downstairs I'm on pins and needles wondering if THIS is the morning the rude,rebellious teenager woke up in her bed instead of my sweet little angel..Imagine the relief I feel when she walks in and says"good morning" instead of Yo B***** what's shakin" yeah yeah I know kids don't REALLY talk like that these days but its my imagination and that is a scary place sometimes.ha ha ha
I could blog about having a 20 year old son in university and the part of me that realizes he is growing up and making grown up decisions that do not include his dad and I.And the struggle I am having with knowing how to cope.There are days when I cringe and bite my tongue and then there are days I swell with pride.And thankfully those days are in abundant.
There's a part of me that still sees a little boy in this grown up mans face.I guess every mom feels that way.
I'm unsure how to cope SO everyday is a new day ,a new lesson for me.
I could blog about the daily struggles of being an expat living so far from my family and my country. Even after all this time(yes it has been 8 years) I still get frustrated and want to "go home"... I miss the easy access to things I'm familiar with especially when I'm baking or wanting to buy a pair of ladies size 10 shoes. Why in the Hell does Sweden NOT have(insert anything I might need here)?
I am grateful God has given me my life and family both here and in the USA.
So I guess I shouldn't complain about any of this.
Wait ,YES I WILL!!! I'm human.(well at least after 3 cups of coffee I am)
I guess when it comes down to it,we all have the same struggles.We just learn at different times and different ways how to cope with them. Maybe by me blogging about my struggles others can read and realize we're all in this together!!!
Until next time folks,
onsdag 29 oktober 2008
It's Snowing....

I know alot of people including my wonderful husband think I'm nuts...
Because I'm always excited about the first snow.
Ask me around March I guarantee my excitment will have faded...
For now I am going to enjoy ...
One more thing I must mention..I do not like the old saying"Out with the old..In with the new"
What's wrong with the "old"?I like the "old".. "New" isn't better..Unless we are talking cars...
New makes me feel itchy and uncomfortable..
Peace, love and understanding,
onsdag 22 oktober 2008
Sorry for the last negative post....
I'm baby stepping! I'm trying NOT to let other's negative outlook into my life.
It's hard sometimes when the people around you draw you in. I'll do better I promise!!!
Enough of that....
It's ONLY 49 MORE days till DollBaby(my youngest sister)+Family get here..YAY!!! It's the first time in 5 years we have all been together and I am so excited to see them all. Well we talk on the phone daily.( 2 or 3 times a day shhh.) To have them here in SWEDEN is going to be great..I never thought I would say this but I hope we have ALOT of snow.
Our fall has been so warm without a snowflake in sight.
I can't believe I am living in northern Sweden and wishing for snow!!!
It's hard sometimes when the people around you draw you in. I'll do better I promise!!!
Enough of that....
It's ONLY 49 MORE days till DollBaby(my youngest sister)+Family get here..YAY!!! It's the first time in 5 years we have all been together and I am so excited to see them all. Well we talk on the phone daily.( 2 or 3 times a day shhh.) To have them here in SWEDEN is going to be great..I never thought I would say this but I hope we have ALOT of snow.
Our fall has been so warm without a snowflake in sight.
I can't believe I am living in northern Sweden and wishing for snow!!!
fredag 10 oktober 2008
Big Girls don't cry!?!?

Our 13 ops almost 14 yr old has showen us just how mature she can be this week. I should say SEVERAL TIMES this week. But for now two come to mind...When her beloved dog died.She said"I'm crying for me NOT for Chloe she is out of her pain.
She has even had some major health issues this week... However,when we ask her how she is feeling she NEVER ONCE complains.She just simple says "I've had better days".

Then you have people in your life despite their age, are nothing more than "attention grabbing crybabies".They cry,complain and hurt people just to boost their own "inferiorty complex"! It gets them the attention they crave not nessecarily the attention they want..It shows us all just how ridiculous and immature they REALLY are!
Big Girls Don't Cry!?!?! Oh trust me SOME do!!!
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