No classes for me today.So I'm home fighting a cold .
Guess what? It's SNOWING!!!Do not insert sarcasm.I don't hate the snow..Its just been so gloomy lately..My saving grace are those gorgeous Advent Lights.
The sun rises errr...lightens the skies around 9ish and begins to set around 2 ish. (By 3 it's pitch dark)But all the beautiful lights in everyones windows, coupled with the snow that has been falling makes the dark seem magical. I know, I sound all whimsical. I'm not!I want to find the "good" with it all.
I really dislike when people complain about everything.In the summer it's to hot, the midnight sun is too bright, we need a cool dark place.Can't wait for winter.Then winter arrives and it's to cold ,it's too dark we need sunshine..I just think people should put more of an effort in trying to find the "good" in things.Instead of wallowing in the bad.
Ok,enough of that!
I have recently taught myself(with a little help from a very smart guy) about rar. files and avi files.
Now there's the new(at least to me) xvid files, I now have to try and figure out..Blahhhh...
I was in the mood for hot chocolate and the only milk we had in the frig was E's lactose-free milk and P's A-fil..I decided to go with E's and just make regular hot chocolate.I didn't hate it..
Not as good as my favorite Hot White Chocolate, but not bad.
E has to go to the Health and Wellness center tomorrow for a swimming class.The reason she goes there instead of the regular community center swimming pool is due to her sensitivity to chlorine.They have VERY low concentration of it there and she has medicine she takes before she gets in.It's NOT something she wants to do.Its a requirement for all children in the Swedish school system.She just hates(as she sees it) being different.
Peace out my peeps!
2 kommentarer:
Well Mimi when your right your right! People should find something good in everything, WHY? because there IS something good in everything. So I have sat back and thought about the things I too am guilty of complaining about, most recently this cold that is causing me to cough. Yes I have a cold, or sinus problems or congestion, what ever the proper term is I have something that (a) I have insurance to go the Dr to see about, (b) it isn't keeping me from working, and (c) the cough has really helped me to use some stomach muscles I haven't used in a while. So Mi thanks to you I will continue on in your way of life and look for the good in things....that said I will share with you something I found on my internet journey today ....
You cannot have the success without the failures.
Any experience can be transformed into something of value.
Everything depends on the way you look at things.
In all of your adversities lies the seeds of equivalent advantages.
In every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the next time.
What are stumbling blocks and defeat before you
can be stepping stones to victory if you remain determined.
View your problems as opportunities.
When it's dark enough you can see the stars.
Thanks for sharing that with me Ducty!
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