It has been brought to my attention that I've missed a couple days posting.
Sorry Ms.B I will "try" and do better.
I had quite a few new pictures I wanted to add here and was diligently trying to do so yesterday, but for some reason they all disappeared.I use Picasa2 to handle my downloading and it somehow hid my file ;I can't find it anywhere!!!!!!!!
I could walk you through each picture. naaahh!
Things have been quite and normal this past week and for that I am thankful.
Chloe has become so clingy lately..I can't make a move without her right under my feet.
She has defiantly figured out her place in the family.She thinks she is little sis.
She knows I'm momma and P is daddy ;she knows just how far she can push us.
With E she has no boundaries.I can tell her NOT to go up the stairs and she listens.When E tells her, she runs at her, barks(as to say come on lets go) and runs directly up to E's room.
I'm happy to report all that mumbo jumbo about Hypoallergenic dogs seems to be TRUE..At least,in our case it is.E's had no noticeable allergy symptoms from being with Chloe.I'll give half credit to the hypo-allergy mumbo jumbo and half to her allergy meds.
Sorry for the short post but I have a busy day ahead of me.
Later Gaters,
1 kommentar:
Well I know what you mean about the new additions finding their place....our new cat, Buster, found Momma's lap this weekend and needless to say did not stay there long, even though he was seen trying time and time again.
Then a little birdie told me that before Momma went home on Monday she was overheard saying "This is why I don't have a cat, look at my pants"! Well imagine a pair of black pants that look as though they were wearing a fur coat! Buster had walked in and out of Momma's legs all morning while she was in the kitchen.
Momma may not like cats and may not want one BUT she did manage to take a small piece of Buster home with her on that day....
Peace and hugs Mi....Love Ya! Ducty
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