Well summer break is over for S.We took him back up to University this weekend.
WOW! This house feels empty,clean*giggles* and so very quiet.You all know E is a very quiet little angel.
There were a few surprises when we got there.First the weather was beautiful SUNNY and REALLY warm. I really didn't expect the nice weather 7 hours FURTHER north.It was a nice relief none the less.
Second his apartment...WAS REALLY CLEAN! Except for being closed up 6 weeks and needing a dusting the place was perfect.Clean dishes,neatly folded clothes,towels and dish towels put in place,and the frig was cleared and fresh. NOT A MOLDY piece of fruit in sight and get this the rugs were hanging on the balcony to "air out".I wasn't sure how to feel.Happy or Sad?
Happy there was no mess waiting for me or sad I was no longer needed.Then I started thinking,this is the same kid that was just home for 6 weeks.The same kid that refused to make his bed because he feels awkward lying in a made up bed during the day while watching TV and eating.The same kid that left dirty socks/clothes ALL over the house.The same kid that would forget the dirty dishes he left in his room,his sisters room,the living room and outside on the picnic table.
It felt suspicious then a *LIGHT BULB MOMENT* we remembered his nice neighbor lady! Hmmm.
While I'm glad he is safely back up there in his own space WE ALL MISS him terribly and look forward to his next break.When he does come someone PLEASE remind us how we felt this day! Ha ha ha!
We still have no diagnoses for E.I'm stressed to the limit and pray the test we take tomorrow will give us answers and we can move forward.
I'm really excited to announce we have officially started work on the new Sun room! According to S we are not allowed to call it a porch after hearing E's and my plans for it.LOL! Pictures will go up soon as the work progresses!
TTYL Peeps,