'round these parts??Man it's been a busy week.I couldn't sleep at all last night and finally gave in at 4 am and got out of bed.I think it's because we have had such a busy stressful week and things are finally starting to settle down.
The whirlwind trip up north to move S into his new apartment went smoothly..hahahaha semi-smoothly.
Between dentist and hair appointments, shopping for school clothes aka undergarmets and a new winter jacket( by the way thanks D.B. for the nice BIG box of clothes from the Good Ol' US of A. I for once stayed within budget..No I didn't, I lied...) and a few" I don't want to start 8th grade" comments.I think E is ready to start too.
I need to relax but K-aint(yes I DID spell THAT word! LOL)
I guess the " It's after 5 don't drink out of mom's glass" rule needs to kick in BEFORE 5 today.
I wish I knew why now that things are settling down I feel MORE stressed.
Gosh I'll be glad when H gets her degree so she can analyze me.No wait scratch that ,she might have me committed into a psychiatric hospital.( let's hope that girl is a slow learner.)