Thanks to a wonderfully generous mother-in-law,I never have to make saffron bread.It's a sweet bread served after dinner.At least that's how we do it in our house.
Here's a picture of her contribution to last nights dinner.It is delish.(she made extra and as you can tell in the other photo I added kladdkaka and jeweled candy cookies to the dessert choices to make sure there were leftovers)
For dinner I made the coconut milk,Thai veggie and pork soup my family loves and served it w/warm baguettes. With the freezing temps we've had lately, soup seemed to be just what the doctor ordered.
ONE MORE WEEK,and both kids will officially begin their Christmas break.YAY!
Which means S will spend longer than 3 days with us since he started Uni.
We are all excited about Christmas but at the same time it's bittersweet.Because my Mom will NOT be joining us this year.She has planted her little rambling feet at home this holiday season and said everyone is welcome to visit her.She hasn't been home for Christmas in the last 4 years..We don't blame her for wanting to be in her own home for the holidays, we will miss her terribly..
Peace Peeps,